
Seattle Children's
I strive to provide informed, effective, holistic care to our patients and patients’ families. Partnering with families and our wonderful healthcare team to navigate sometimes stressful and challenging health issues is integral to optimizing outcomes and making sure our pediatric patients can return to the playground or be back in their careproviders’ arms as soon as possible.
Dr. Thomas Lendvay is a Professor of Urology at the University of Washington and the Co-Director of the Seattle Children’s Hospital Robotic Surgery Center. His research thrusts center on advancing minimally invasive surgery in pediatric urology and accelerating learning curves for surgical skills among trainees and practicing clinicians across all surgical disciplines.
Dr. Lendvay is the Principal Investigator on an extramurally funded US Department of Defense grant to test the hypothesis that virtual reality robotic surgery warm-up prior to surgery will enhance the technical skills of practicing robotic surgeons (DoD Award # W81XWH-15-2-0030). Dr. Lendvay has also pioneered the use of crowdsourcing to assess the technical skills of surgeons as a means of breaking down the objective skills assessment barriers of resource-intensiveness.
- Dr. Lendvay on Twitter @LendvayT