Alexander J.

Campus Box: 356510
I have the privilege and responsibility to help patients navigate complex decisions in managing their urologic disease. When I meet patients, it is often during one of the most frightening or frustrating periods of their lives. I work closely with them to grasp the challenging issues they face. I aim to deliver the best available care by empowering patients with the knowledge and resources to achieve their goals.
Alexander J. Skokan, MD, is a board-certified trauma and genitourinary reconstructive surgeon and an Assistant Professor of Urology. He is an expert in reconstruction of the genitalia, urethra, bladder, and upper urinary tracts, and cares for patients with a variety of conditions including urethral stricture, ureteral injury/stricture, male urinary incontinence, bladder neck contracture, and advanced bladder dysfunction after radiation therapy or other injuries. Dr. Skokan endeavors to deliver world-class individualized care, working with patients to achieve their treatment goals and deliver the best outcome possible in all cases.
In addition to clinical activities, Dr. Skokan is the Director of the Urology Residency Innovation and Simulation-Based Skills Training Initiative (URISTI), is a distinguished educator, and conducts clinical research in urotrauma and patient decision-making in complex urologic disease.