The goal of the Visiting Professorship is to expose our residents to a leader in urology who can provide role modeling around a successful academic career and reinforce our emphasis on innovation in teaching. Secondly, the lectureship will honor Dr. Paul Lange and his innovative contributions throughout his career.
2024 Visiting Professor and Lange Lectureship
Thursday, September 26th, 2024
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (reception begins at 5:30pm)
UW Medicine South Lake Union
Brotman Auditorium
850 Republican Street,
Seattle WA 98109
Speaker Information

Colin P.N. Dinney, MD
Professor, Chairman of Urology at MD Anderson Cancer Center
Dr. Dinney is the Professor and Chairman of Urology at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Critical to his vision for a successful career, he strove to provide high reliability in patient care and clinical outcomes even with some of the most challenging patients, to emphasize the importance of multidisciplinary oncologic care, to educate future surgeon-scientists, and to align all components of his research mission with robust research driven patient care. His clinical and academic development has been recognized with appointment to multiple leadership positions and through his contributions to MDACC which were born from his efforts as a surgeon-scientist educator, and his skills in programmatic development.
Dr. Dinney has maintained an academic presence as an international thought leader in the biology and management of bladder cancer. His research activities are focused on understanding the biology of bladder cancer and using these insights to develop novel therapeutics for both early and advanced bladder cancer. He was the PI of the GU SPORE in Bladder Cancer at MD Anderson from 2001 through 2019 and through his involvement in this program he developed intravesical interferon-a gene therapy (Nadofaragene firadenovec) through pre-clinical studies that supported translation into a Phase 1 clinical trial. Dr. Dinney was the founding President and the Bladder Cancer Subcommittee lead and leveraged this responsibility to initiate a dialogue with the FDA that led to a pathway for the registration of novel agents for BCG unresponsive NMIBC. As a result of these efforts clinical trial activity for NMIBC exploded. He also positioned the SUO-CTC to serve as the exclusive site for Phase 2 and the Phase 3 trials which led to the approval of Nadofaragene firadenovec for BCG unresponsive NMIBC in 2022. His current research focuses on improving the outcomes for patients treated with intravesical gene therapy.
Dr. Dinney was a former member of the Society of Urologic Oncology Executive Committee and served as the SPORE Liaison to SWOG’s GU Executive Committee. He was a member of theNational Institutes of Health, Genitourinary Steering Committee, and served as the Urology Chair for the Bladder Cancer Task Force. He currently serves on the Internal AdvisoryCommittee for M. D. Anderson’s Prostate SPORE, and as an External Advisor for the HarvardGU SPORE in Renal Cell Carcinoma.
In the near future Dr. Dinney will transition his career to take an executive role in Biotech with an eye on clinical development and R and D. His vision is to create a hybrid, R and D program which draws its vision from academia.