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August 30, 2024
Picture of Hunter Wessells
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Message from the Chair

Wessells-HunterDear friends, colleagues, and alumni of UW Urology,

A passage from the Tao Te Ching says “do your work and then step back, the only path to serenity.” The words of Lao Tzu have as many meanings as there are circumstances. For me, the work has been the incredible privilege to serve as Chair of the Department of Urology in the University of Washington School of Medicine for the past 16 years, since July 1, 2008.

I have truly prized the confidence that every one of you has placed in me, and am very proud of what we have accomplished as a Department. Now it’s time to make way for new ideas, new energy and new leadership. Effective October 1, 2024, I will step down as the Nelson Chair in Urology.

The position of Chair offers an incredible range of relationships, from physician-patient to professional, including faculty, staff, trainees, students and other urologists. To all those with whom I have interacted along the way, thanks are due. We have done so much together. Think how many patients we have taken care of. Tens if not hundreds of thousands. The research we have done: grants funded, papers written, patents filed. And the individuals we have trained. Nearly 200 physicians. From Ryan Hsi and Lisly Chery who arrived in 2009 to our newest interns (Cameron, Hueylie, Naseem, and Shola), you have added so much to the Department. As have our fellows in Urological Oncology, Pediatrics, Reconstruction, Andrology, and Endourology. A constant from the origins of the Department until today is that our residents and fellows will always be the crown jewels of UW Urology.

Dr. Tim Dellit, UW School of Medicine Dean and CEO of UW Medicine, communicated with the Department regarding leadership transitions and plans for a national search to identify the next chair. He announced on August 15th that Dr. Dan Lin, Professor of Urology and Chief of Urological Oncology, has agreed to serve as interim Chair of the Department as of October 1, 2024. I will be staying at UW and continuing as a clinician, fellowship program director, and President of UW Physicians, the practice plan for faculty in UW Medicine.

Each of us will have a role in the transition, among others to remind our newest members that the culture and ethos of the Department goes beyond any one person. The work we have done to diversify the department and enhance our interconnectedness provides a framework for ongoing excellence: belonging, integrity, and innovation.

It has been a signal honor to serve as Chair of the Department of Urology.



Hunter Wessells, MD, FACS

Professor and Nelson Chair of Urology

University of Washington School of Medicine

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